このブックフェスティバルは、期間中に本の町になるというブックツーリズムな町おこし施策で、道路に本棚が並んだりしちゃう面白いお祭りです。「しりあがり寿と灯籠を作ろう!」とか「平間至×津田直 トークイベント『写真とことば』」とか、「映画『裁判長!ここは懲役4年でどうですか』特別試写会」とか、個人的にも行ってみたい、ヤバゲなイベントが目白押しなのです。「イベントスケジュール」をご覧くださいませ。そんな中、「Cambodian Taxi Driver」も出展させて頂くことになりました。大変恐縮です。
9/18〜20、9/23は会場に居る予定です。同時に、銀座巷房で一緒に展示してた、とよ田キノ子氏の「Mushroom meets girl」も展示していますのでよろしくどうぞ。会場は「ガーデンテラス四季の杜」というところです。高遠までのアクセスはこちら「アクセスマップ」です。
I’m excited to say that I’ll be exhibiting at the 2nd Takato Book Festival, held in Takato, Shinshu from Sept. 18th through to the 23rd. Aiming to transform the town into a centre for ‘book tourism’, this interesting festival will see the streets lined with bookshelves for the duration of the event. With such events as ‘Let’s make a garden lantern with Shiriagari Kotobuki!’, ‘Hiruma Itaru x Tsuda Nao Talkshow: Photographs and Words’ and a preview screening of the film ‘Saibanchou! Koko wa Choueki Yonen de Dousuka’, on a personal level too it’s the kind of festival I’d want to visit. A real feast of an event!
Please do have a look at the event schedule. Among the events, I am humbled to say, is a showing of Cambodian Taxi Driver. I plan to be at the festival Sept. 18-20 and again on the 23rd. Toyoda Kinoko’s ‘Mushroom meets girl’ exhibition, which I exhibited alongside at Kobo Gallery Ginza, will also be showing, and we’d love it if you paid us a visit. The location is the Four Seasons Grove Garden Terrace; for how to get to Takato please see this access map.
Incidentally, this time I’m going to be selling my DVD at the festival’s main venue the Yamasuso. I’d be delighted if you took this opportunity to pick up a copy. It comes with a lovely booklet.
If you plan to visit the festival, please let me know either by email or via Twitter.
Dear Mr. Motake,
I was trying to find your contact for a while…
I’m film commissioner and coordinator for the Cambodia Film Commission, a non-profit organization for develop the cinema sector in Cambodia especially to host foreign film production.
Anyway this year, we are now preparing the 2nd edition of Cambodia film Festival. We are looking for films that have been shot in Cambodia but as well as foreign films. However, we would be very happy if we could screen your recent films, especially “Cambodian Taxi driver” during this international event in Phnom Penh. The festival will take place from 14th to 18th December 2011.
Kindly let me asap so that we can start working on it.
Thanks you in advance and I strongly hope that we can exchange more the details of CIFF.
I look forward to hearing from you soon
Best regards