個展レポート – Exhibiton Report #2
A great many people came to the exhibition at Ginza’s Gallery Kobo. Thank you all! I received flowers and sweets as well as plenty of booze and the like; of course I’ve gotten fatter as a result!
For one whole week I commuted over to Ginza. The gallery culture there is so deeply interesting and profound, you might say that it gave me one of life’s lessons. It also provided some hints about how I might exhibit my work in future.
Not only are photographic exhibitions rare at Kobo, but it seems that mine was the first video installation to be shown there. For those who came unaware of this, it was probably a little overwhelming.
Also, because the visuals take precedent over understanding the concept, I maybe made some misjudgments in selecting the works that I showed as large prints.
I also found many ways in which to improve the showing of video. From the screening in Hawaii I was able to make a great many revisions; likewise if another opportunity like this presents itself I think I’ll be able to make still more.
Thanks to those who came along, and those who though unable to visit nonetheless supported me, I was able to successfully see this exhibition through to the end. Thank you ever so much.
From September onwards I’ll be fine-tuning the exhibition both in Japan and overseas; please check this blog for announcements.